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Ingraham Gets Brutal Reminder After Wondering 'Why Didn’t We Have Hoarding During' Trump?
Fox News

Fox News mouthpiece Laura Ingraham had to be reminded of pandemic toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other shortages after she asked why there was no hoarding of resources during the administration of Republican President Donald Trump which ran from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2021.

But people are taking the Ingraham Angle host to task for her selective memory or revisionist history—it's difficult to know which she employed to make the false claims she did on Thursday.

On her Fox News program, Ingraham asked:

"Why didn’t we have hoarding during the Trump administration?"

Leading a panel discussion with guests Florida Republican Representative Byron Donalds and conservative author Horace Cooper, Ingraham mentioned her time living in Russia to talk about the baby formula shortage in the United States before showing a clip of outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressing the issue.

Psaki cited hoarding of formula as a factor in the nationwide shortage, after which Ingraham made her quip about the absence of any hoarding from January 2017 - January 2021.

Her gotcha comment directed at the Biden administration lead people to question what rock Ingraham had been under since 2019.

Toilet paper, eggs, hand sanitizer, bleach, bottled water, paper towels, canned foods of every kind as well as other items were in short supply in 2020. Widespread hoarding forced retailers to put purchase limits on select products.

Either Ingraham completely missed those news reports for months in 2020, or she just lied to boost Trump and bash Democratic President Joe Biden.

Either way, people were happy to refresh her memory.

Others pointed out Ingraham ignored some more key facts like recalls and plant shutdowns.

A longtime polarizing figure, Ingraham has been criticized for the White nationalism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, transphobia, xenophobia and other assorted bigotries featured on first the radio and now her Fox News TV program.

Her own brother Curtis has repeatedly denounced her words and actions publicly, labeling his sister a "monster."