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Anti-Vax Nurse Tried to Prove the Vaccine Magnetized Her Body and Yeah, It Totally Backfired
The Ohio Channel

After more than a year upended daily life in the face of a pandemic that's killed nearly 600 thousand Americans, the United States is finally beginning to open back up.

This is primarily due to the efficacy of a slate of vaccines proven to dramatically lessen transmission of the virus and curb its most severe effects.

But thanks to right-wing conspiracy theories and complete falsehoods, a significant proportion of mostly Republican voters are skeptical. Some falsely insist that unvaccinated people can catch diseases from vaccinated ones. Others repeat deranged fantasies that the vaccines include tracking devices.

Some even absurdly claim that vaccines are magnetized.

That's what happened at an Ohio House Health Committee town hall where residents weighed in on a bill that would prohibit private businesses from requiring proof of vaccination from patrons.

In one notable moment, conspiracy theorist Dr. Sherri Tenpenny claimed vaccines were magnetized, saying:

"[Vaccinated people] can put a key on their forehead, it sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think there's a metal piece to that. There's been people who have long suspected that there was some sort of an interface, yet to be defined interface, between what's being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers."

Later in the hearing, a nurse attempted to prove that—but the attempt went off the rails.

Watch below.

She said:

"Yes, vaccines do harm people. ... We were talking about Dr. Tenpenny's testimony about magnetic vaccine crystals. So I have a key and a bobby pin here."

The woman then stuck a key to her chest, though most modern keys aren't magnetic and it's clear the woman applied pressure. She later claimed the key stuck to her neck as well.

However, the key repeatedly fell off of her neck, as did the bobby pin.

Undeterred, she proceeded as if the stunt went off without a hitch.

"If somebody could explain this, it would be great. Any questions?"

There weren't too many questions—but people certainly had comments.

People took her up on the request to explain why the key stuck to her chest.

So far, around 63 percent of Americans have gotten at least one vaccine dose.