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Trump Spokesman Dragged for Tone Deaf Response to Whether Pence Is Worried About Campaigning in Virus Hotspot

Even with the urgency of the 2020 election to the party, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign has for months adjusted its events to meet the standard of health experts to avoid spreading the virus that's killed over 200 thousand Americans.

President Donald Trump and his campaign, as recently as Wednesday, mocked Biden for taking these measures—and Trump even derided him for wearing a mask.

Meanwhile, Trump's campaign has continued to hold packed rallies with thousands of supporters, many of whom forego the masks ridiculed by the President. These rallies, along with some of Trump's other campaign and official events, have been linked to multiple cases of the highly contagious virus.

Hogan Gidley, the Trump campaign's press secretary, was asked on CNN if he was hesitant about an upcoming rally in Wisconsin with Vice President Mike Pence as hospitals in the swing state reach near capacity.

Watch below.

When asked if it "gave him pause," Gidley said:

"No it doesn't. The Vice President has the best doctors in the world around him. They've obviously contact traced and come to the conclusion that it's fine for him to be out on the campaign trail. The American people have the right under the First Amendment to peaceably assemble too."

Gidley's concern seemed to be with the Vice President—five of whose aides tested positive for the virus late last week—and not with the thousands of people attending the campaign's rallies, numbers that Trump's allies brag about.

It seemed clear to many where the campaign's priorities were.

Gidley's gaffe came less than a day after thousands of Trump rally attendees in Nebraska on Tuesday night were left stranded in freezing temperatures when buses provided by the campaign proved insufficient.

Critics urged Trump's supporters to realize how little the campaign actually cares for them.

When asked why he wasn't quarantining after potential exposure to the virus, Pence's team said it was because campaigning was an "essential" job.