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Mark Hamill Hilariously Responds After Trump Rally Speaker Does Painful Yoda Impression

After Iowa state Rep. Mike Sexton tried to do a Yoda impression at a Trump rally, Mark Hamill did not hold back in his contempt for the painful impression.

Mark Hamill at Carrie Fisher Hollywood Walk of Fame induction; Mike Sexton at MAGA Rally
Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images; RSBN

On Saturday at an Iowa rally for Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign, Republican state Representative Mike Sexton decided to channel beloved Star Wars Jedi mentor Yoda to take aim at Democratic President Joe Biden.

Sexton—in a voice described as a cross between Kermit the frog and comedian Bobcat Goldthwait—said:

"Mmm the dark side is very powerful in Biden."

Despite Trump’s two impeachments and four criminal indictments on 91 felony charges, Sexton said of Biden:

"Crooked, is he."

Briefly losing the thread on Yoda-speak—where sentences are complete but with the subject and predicate reversed—the Iowa Republican continued:

"Your country, he does not care (sic)."

Sexton concluded:

"The force is strong in Trump. Win, he must."
"Help him, you can. Caucus for him, you shall."
"For without his victory, all hope is lost."

The MAGA crowd ate up Sexton's bizarre performance, which you can see here:

But outside the venue, people weren't as amused.

Mark Hamill—a person with intimate knowledge of the Star Wars universe—summed up everyone else's reaction perfectly with a single sentence on X.

The venerated actor posted:

"The Cringe is strong with this one."


Online, people outside the shrinking MAGA-sphere were more inclined to agree with Hamill than Sexton.

Speaking of cringe, a few MAGA minions tried to shade Hamill for his response.


Hamill has been a vocal critic of Donald Trump's politics since the former reality show host's 2016 presidential campaign introduced White supremacist, Christian nationalist, and White nationalist talking points to their political messaging.