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Lauren Boebert Proposes 21 Year Age Requirement for Coming Out as LGBTQ in Bonkers Tweet

Lauren Boebert Proposes 21 Year Age Requirement for Coming Out as LGBTQ in Bonkers Tweet
Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Across the country, conservative elected officials and media personalities have ramped up their attacks on the LGBTQ community, reviving decades-old tropes that LGBTQ people seek to "groom" children by infiltrating the school system.

In Texas, far-right Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive to the state's child services department, demanding they investigate the parents of transgender children for child abuse. In Florida, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, colloquially known as "Don't Say Gay," into law. The legislation bans "instruction" regarding sexuality and gender in the classroom from kindergarten to third grade, though critics believe the law will be weaponized against LGBTQ people.

Now, extreme right Congresswoman and conspiracy theorist Lauren Boebert of Colorado has suggested an age minimum to even come out as LGBTQ.

Boebert likened coming out of the closet to purchasing alcohol and tobacco, further suggesting that people under 21 don't have the "maturity" to make "life-altering decisions about their sexuality and identity."

The Congresswoman's bizarre tweet is the latest salvo in her demonization of LGBTQ people. Boebert recently devoted an entire ad to smearing transgender women for participating in sports. She's mocked the idea of gender identities and has claimed that passage of the Equality Act would result in LGBTQ "supremacy."

Boebert's latest screed got the attention of social media users.

Some used her logic to apply to heterosexual and cisgender people.

Ironically enough, Boebert opposes 21 year age minimums for the use of firearms.