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CNN Fact-Checker Debunks Trump's Biggest Lies From His Bonkers ABC Town Hall in Epic 2 Minute Rant

CNN Fact-Checker Debunks Trump's Biggest Lies From His Bonkers ABC Town Hall in Epic 2 Minute Rant
ABC News // CNN

President Donald Trump is once again under fire for telling a startling number of lies, this time in a Tuesday night ABC News Town Hall, in which socially distant prospective voters questioned Trump on his record and statements in his first term.

CNN fact checker Daniel Dale appeared in an interview with anchor Don Lemon after the program to debunk some of the boldest lies that came from the President, who'd already made over 20 thousand "false or misleading claims" before the town hall aired.

Dale, once again, didn't have enough time to fact check all of the lies told by the President.

Watch below.

Dale warned Lemon and viewers that the list wasn't short:

"There's just so much lying, Don. I'm gonna go quickly here, so literally just stop me here whenever you need to."

He pointed out Trump's oft-repeated lies regarding his stance on pre-existing condition protections in health insurance:

"He said again, Democrats won't protect people with preexisting conditions. That is nonsense. As a voter told him, Democrats created those protections."

Without pausing, Dale then corrected Trump's false claims about the virus.

"He insisted he didn't praise China on the virus. He did so repeatedly. We know that. He claimed that nobody knew, at the time he was praising China, that seniors were especially susceptible to the virus. That was one of the first things we learned out of China and out of Italy and out of the U.S. He claimed that [Democratic nominee Joe] Biden said in March that the pandemic was 'totally over-exaggerated.' I can find no evidence that Biden ever said that."

Dale followed up with...everything else.

"He said that Winston Churchill was kind of like him, playing down stuff, because he went on rooftops in London during the Nazi bombing and told people, 'everything's gonna be good.' Churchill did not speak from the rooftops
and did not say that 'everything's gonna be good.' He warned of suffering and danger.

Trump said he fired [former Secretary of Defense] James Mattis. Mattis resigned.

He said that protesters took over 20 percent of Seattle. It was a six block area, nowhere close to 20 percent."

The fact checker went on to correct Trump's false claims on healthcare, lies about protesters, and more.

When he was finally done, host Don Lemon asked:

"Do you need a drink of water? Cause that was a lot."

People commended Dale for his willingness to be upfront about Trump's lies.

Others felt that Dale would be useful in combatting Trump's falsehoods during the upcoming presidential debates, the first of which is set for September 29.

For Dale's complete fact check of the ABC News town hall, click here.