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In .14 Seconds, Tesla's Giant Battery Pack Showed Why Renewable Energy Is the Future

After winning a $50 million bet over its construction, Tesla’s Powerpack battery system in South Australia has been bailing out over-stressed coal plants with renewable energy.

In .14 Seconds, Tesla's Giant Battery Pack Showed Why Renewable Energy Is the Future
Elon Musk gives a speech at the Powerpack Celebration in South Australia on September 29, 2017. (Screenshot via Youtube)

Riding high after a $50 millionbet by Elon Musk that Tesla would be able to install the world’s largest battery system in South Australia in under 100 days, the massive Powerpack is now proving its worth.

The Loy Yang A 3 coal power plant in Victoria is one of the biggest power plants in Australia. On two different occasions, Loy Yang’s power grid experienced an outage, and both times, Tesla’s Powerpack battery was able to stabilize it within milliseconds, an especially impressive feat given that the coal plant is over 620 miles away.

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