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Father of Parkland Victim Perfectly Shames Pro-Gun Rep. After She Tweeted 'Prayers' for Boulder Victims
Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Politicon // Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The United States continues to reel from the shooting at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado—the seventh mass shooting in the United States in seven days.

The shooter killed 10 people, including a police officer.

Pro-gun Republicans issued their standard "thoughts and prayers," but perhaps none seemed so superficial as that of Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's.

Boebert owns Shooters restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, and the establishment encourages its servers to openly carry their firearms while on the clock. In a campaign ad, Boebert vowed that she would carry her gun with her to Congress (she didn't).

Boebert's sentiment was immediately rebuked by Fred Guttenberg.

The devastating Parkland, Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018 saw 17 people killed, many of them high school students. It birthed a massive movement of young survivors-turned-activists who went on to form the March for Our Lives Movement, calling for an overhaul of U.S. gun policy to protect others from further mass shootings.

While most of these activists were students at the high school, Guttenberg was a father, whose 14 year old daughter—Jaime Guttenberg—was murdered in the shooting.

Since then, Guttenberg has focused all of his energy lobbying for common-sense gun law reform in hopes of curbing the same violence that took the life of his daughter.

His response to Boebert was widely applauded.

He wasn't the only one calling Boebert out.

Boebert continues to oppose any and all efforts at limiting mass shootings in the United States.