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Lara Trump Just Made Bonkers 'Truth And Facts' Claim About Republicans—And Everyone Had The Same Response

During a Turning Point USA event, Lara Trump tried to claim that Republicans are concerned with 'truth and facts' and people had thoughts.

Lara Trump
Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images

Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chair Lara Trump appeared at Turning Point USA’s convention in Detroit on Friday to make a bold statement about her party versus Democrats.

Known for spreading her own lies about Democratic President Joe Biden's 2020 trouncing of then incumbent Donald Trump, Eric Trump's wife claimed many voters "get their news from the wrong information sources."

Trump—on stage with TP USA founder Charlie Kirk—told the crowd of young conservatives:

"So, you have to make that contrast for people out there because there are some people who watch the wrong thing out there, get their news from the wrong information sources, and they have been bamboozled a little bit shall we say."

She added:

"And that’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We speak in truth and facts on this side."


The current RNC co-chair added:

"The other side is all emotion-based."
"Bring people back to the truth. Bring people back to the facts."

You can see her comments here:


Lara Trump's comments ignore the reality that her father-in-law's presidential administration coined the phrase "alternative facts" after telling numerous lies about Trump's inauguration day crowds.

Her father-in-law set records for lying while in office as the 45th President.

Donald Trump’s constant lying was such a key part of his administration, news organizations and political observers set up mechanisms to track and debunk all of Trump's lies.

People familiar with the presumptive GOP 2024 presidential candidate and convicted felon's record of lying weren’t buying what the RNC co-chair was selling in her latest misinformation campaign.

And people were happy to call her out for yet another Republican lie.


@guam1992; soya19148/Threads

@beckyblaircardona; corey.marshallsterle/Threads



Lara Trump's father-in-law Donald has a lengthy history of civil and now criminal court judgments against him for fraud and defamation—both forms of lying.

As many pointed out, Trump's and his allies' misinformation about his 2020 election loss became known as The Big Lie.

Their efforts to overturn the election and lies about voting machines and the election process have resulted in several convictions, plea bargains, civil suits, and criminal charges for Donald Trump and his co-conspirators.

Perhaps the biggest fallout from Trump's misinformation campaign after his loss was the January 6, 2021 riot and attack on the Capitol Building after Trump held a "Stop the Steal" rally. Violent insurrectionists marched from the rally to the Capitol chanting for the murder of Vice President Mike Pence.

Their attempted coup resulted in at least five deaths, injuries to over 150 members of law enforcement, and millions of dollars in damages.