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Ivanka Just Claimed Her Father Wants to Hear From People Who 'Disagree With Him' and Yeah, It Did Not Go Well

Ivanka Just Claimed Her Father Wants to Hear From People Who 'Disagree With Him' and Yeah, It Did Not Go Well

A job requirement for anyone working under President Donald Trump is loyalty, according to former FBI Director James Comey and the President's former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The President frequently attacks anyone in his own administration who doesn't toe the line, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci or former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

If a conservative media outlet, such as Fox News, doesn't cover him favorably enough or if their poll numbers indicate circumstances at odds with the President's delusions, he encourages his supporters to watch somewhere else.

Despite Americans' overwhelming need for further pandemic relief, the President admitted that he hasn't spoken to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in months and has no intention to, citing baseless claims of her "mental problems."

So people were confused when the President's eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, praised him for surrounding himself with those who don't agree with him.

Watch below.

During a discussion with Trump campaign spokeswoman Mercedes Schlapp, Ivanka Trump said:

"Whether they're yes-men or they just all agree with you, he's never believed in that. He actually wants to hear from people who vehemently disagree with him."

People found the assertion laughable.

Some pointed out that even as Ivanka Trump was saying this, Schlapp was eagerly nodding along.

The day Ivanka said this, Trump called a key member of his virus response task force an "idiot" and lambasted him on Twitter for disagreeing with him.