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People Can't Stop Mocking Donald Trump for the New All Caps Nickname He Just Gave Himself on Twitter

People Can't Stop Mocking Donald Trump for the New All Caps Nickname He Just Gave Himself on Twitter

Nearly 130 thousand Americans are dead from a virus that's disrupted every facet of life in the United States, and numerous states are scaling back their reopening plans in the wake of record new cases.

The President has tweeted or retweeted around 26 times so far today, but one especially erratic tweet is standing out for all the wrong reasons.

Using his beloved caps lock button, the President gave himself a new nickname.

The tweet comes after numerous reports that Russia offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for the murders of U.S. service members in Afghanistan. Trump insists that he wasn't briefed on the matter and has cast doubt on the veracity of the reports.

Some called attention to this while responding to his tweet.

Others pointed out the weak attendance at his much-hyped comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma earlier this month.

Others didn't hesitate to point out that the "LONE WARRIOR" dodged the draft numerous times.

At the end of last month, reports broke that the President took refuge in the White House's underground bunker after protests against police murders of Black people reached the gates of the White House. The President said he simply went there for an inspection.

People didn't hesitate to invoke this as well.

Others joked that he simply meant to spell "worrier."

Some members of Trump's base are assuring him that he isn't alone.