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Dem Rep Asks GOP Colleague What Biden 'High Crime' They're Investigating—And His Response Is Cringe

During a House committee hearing, Democratic Rep. Neguse tried to get out of Republicans exactly what 'high crime' they are investigating Biden for with their impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO); Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA)

House Republicans continue struggling to come up with evidence to support their allegations of corruption by Democratic President Joe Biden to impeach him.

On Tuesday during a House Committee Hearing on an impeachment inquiry into Biden, Colorado Democratic Representative Joe Neguse grilled Pennsylvania Republican Representative Guy Reschenthaler for answers.

But it went nowhere fast.

When Neguse asked his GOP colleague what "specific constitutional crime" committed by Biden that House Republicans were exactly investigating, Reschenthaler failed to come up with a concrete answer.

Instead, he vaguely prattled:

"Well, we're having an inquiry so we can do an investigation."

Neguse refused to let him off the hook with the non-answer and asked once more:

"What is the crime you're investigating?"

More drivel from Reschenthaler followed.

He glanced downward for a brief moment shaking his head and replied:

"High crimes, misdemeanors, and bribery."

Neguse was not satisfied with the general response and prodded him for more information.

"What high crimes and misdemeanors are you investigating?"

The stumped GOP lawmaker deflected with:

"Once I get time, I will explain what we're looking at and I will make the equivalency of the last impeachment."

Tick-tock, Congressman, tick-tock.

You can watch the clip here.

Social media users shared their observations on the awkward back-and-forth.

Reschenthaler also claimed that former Republican President Donald Trump "got impeached for something that Joe Biden actually did."

He continued to bumble:

"But then again, we're just here to decide if there should be an inquiry to proceed with investigations and again to compel the production of documents and testimony of witnesses."

Umm, sure Guy.

Even Fox News acknowledged the GOP's lack of progress in producing any evidence of corruption committed by Biden.

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy observed:

“The House Oversight Committee has been at this for years, and they have so far not been able to provide any concrete evidence that Joe Biden personally profited from his son Hunter’s overseas business, but they are going to try again with this impeachment inquiry."