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There Are X-Women Among Us With Superhuman Vision

Most humans can see around one million distinguishable hues of color. There is at least one woman alive today who sees one hundred million nuances of color.

There Are X-Women Among Us With Superhuman Vision
Credit: https://discovermagazine.com/~/media/import/images/5/6/3/colors.jpg?mw=900

[DIGEST: Discover Magazine, Futurism, HyperPhysics, Merriam Webster, Colblindor, ScienceDirect, Colour Blind Awareness, Popular Science, New York Magazine]

Most humans can see around one million distinguishable shades, or hues, of color. That is because we have three types of photoreceptor cells, called “cones,” in the retinas of our eyes that allow us to perceive color. These three color-sensitive cones are the reason we can perceive blue, green and red hues. Thus, we are known as trichromats.

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