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These Parody Bob Woodward Tweets Savagely Mocking Trump For Suing Him Are Pure Gold

Twitter account @FaithRubPol posted screenshots of fake tweets from Bob Woodward mocking Donald Trump after Trump sued Woodward for $50 million.

Bob Woodward; Donald Trump
Horacio Villalobos/Corbis via Getty Images; Scott Eisen/Getty Images

The Twitter account @FaithRubPol had users of the social media platform in stitches after posting screenshots of fake tweets from famed journalist Bob Woodward mocking former Republican President Donald Trump for suing him for $50 million.

Trump claims in his lawsuit that Woodward did not obtain his consent to release audio recordings of interviews conducted during the last two years he was in office.

The lawsuit relates to the 2022 release of The Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward's Twenty Interviews with President Donald Trump, which offers insight into Trump's foreign policy directives and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump claims he only consented to being recorded only for the purposes of Woodward's book Rage, which was released in 2020 and is a largely critical book, focusing on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his strained relationships with senior officials, his handling of racial unrest, and his relationships with the leaders of Russia and North Korea.

While Woodward's publisher Simon & Schuster says the lawsuit is "without merit," it's nonetheles inspired rather hilarious parodies created by Twitter user @FaithRubPol, who has created Woodward's "responses" to Trump's allegations.

And these responses—fake or not—are pretty juicy.

In one tweet, "Woodward" claims that the "scent-barrier on [Trump's] Depends is completely insufficient."

In another, "Woodward" proposes the following "deal":

"I will give him the $40 million he is suing me for if he uses the money to pay for the funeral costs of the one million Americans who died because of his negligence."

And in yet another tweet, "Woodward" claims to understand the reason why Trump is "so upset with [him]":

"I'd be angry too if my greatest accomplishment as President was getting played like one of Tiger Wood's ball-washers by a foreign dictator who looks like the Asian Pillsbury Doughboy."

The tweets were a hit to say the least.

Trump has made headlines numerous times for attacking Woodward, particularly when he attempted to deflect scandal after recordings of interviews with Woodward in which he admitted to downplaying the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic were released.

Woodward held interviews with Trump between February and March 2020 for his book, Rage. Recordings revealed that Trump knew that the coronavirus was “more deadly than even your strenuous flu” and that he “wanted to always play it down” to avoid a nationwide panic.

While Woodward's revelations no doubt angered Trump, he nonetheless doubled down on his belief that economic shutdowns and decisions to move children to virtual learning to stop the spread of the virus were Democratic ploys to hurt his reelection chances.