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DNC Makes Trump Instantly Regret Calling Milwaukee A 'Horrible City'

After Donald Trump ripped the host city of the Republican National Convention as 'horrible,' the DNC trolled Trump with massive billboards all throughout Milwaukee.

Donald Trump meets with House Republicans
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching billboards in 10 locations across Milwaukee on Friday to highlight former President Donald Trump's controversial remarks about the city, which will host the Republican National Convention next month.

During a closed-door meeting with House Republicans on Thursday, Trump reportedly described Milwaukee as a "horrible city." His campaign and Republican lawmakers later clarified that he was referring to the crime in the city, not the city itself. Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung stated that the former president was commenting on "how terrible crime and voter fraud are."

The billboards, which will run in 10 different locations across Milwaukee, aim to remind voters of Trump's controversial statement. According to Punchbowl News, half of the billboards will feature Trump's alleged remark:

"Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city."

You can see the ad below.

Ad featuring Donald Trump's remarks about MilwaukeeDemocratic National Committee

Trump's remarks even made front-page news in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Front page of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featuring Trump's derogatory remarks about MilwaukeeMilwaukee Journal Sentinel

Abhi Rahman, the DNC's communications director, said in a statement that "Trump has made his contempt for Wisconsinites and their home clear," adding:

"The dislike is mutual – in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office. Trump hates Milwaukee because Milwaukeeans know exactly who he is – a sore loser who they're going to make a two-time loser this November."

Indeed, Trump appears to have it out for Milwaukee.

Trump frequently targets Democratic-run cities, accusing them of high crime rates and issues with undocumented immigrants. He has also baselessly claimed that Milwaukee was a hub of voter fraud in the 2020 election. Adding to the drama, several of Trump's associates were recently indicted for allegedly attempting to overturn Wisconsin's election results with a fake slate of electors.

Milwaukee, the largest county in Wisconsin and a Democratic stronghold, saw President Joe Biden win the state by fewer than 21,000 votes in 2020. Biden's re-election campaign is focusing closely on this crucial battleground state.

Biden seized on Trump's remarks in a social media post, posting a photo of himself in the city captioned:

"I happen to love Milwaukee."

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike Johnson denied that Trump meant to explicitly attack Milwaukee, saying the following during a Fox News interview:

"I didn't hear it [Trump's remark] and I was right next to him."

However, when asked about his remarks, Trump admitted he'd meant to attack the city:

"I think it's very clear what I meant. We're very concerned with crime."

You can hear what Johnson and Trump said in the video below.

Trump proved the validity of the billboards, according to critics who applauded the DNC's move.

Biden's campaign is making strategic investments in numerous field offices within some of the most conservative counties in the nation, utilizing its early financial advantage to create political footholds in traditionally hostile areas.

Biden's team acknowledges that winning these rural counties, which Trump secured in 2020, is unlikely. The effort aims to reduce Republican margins, especially in swing states like Wisconsin. The strategy involves establishing an early ground presence to keep rural Biden supporters engaged and to signal to voters dissatisfied with Trump or curious about Biden that they are not isolated.

Biden's campaign has launched over 150 offices and hired more than 400 staff members across seven battleground states, with plans to expand to 200 offices and 500 staff by the end of May.

While maintaining a strong presence in Wisconsin's Democratic strongholds, such as three offices in Milwaukee County, Biden's team has also opened offices in places like Rusk County, with a population of about 14,000. Trump had a significant lead there four years ago, winning by 35% and securing 2,740 more votes than Biden.