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Trump Called Out for Saying Election Day Was 'the Real Insurrection' in Lie-Ridden Interview

Trump Called Out for Saying Election Day Was 'the Real Insurrection' in Lie-Ridden Interview
Pete Marovich - Pool/Getty Images

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump and his allies falsely peddled the delusion that Democrats facilitating widespread election fraud "stole" the victory from Trump.

Dozens of failed lawsuits, bumbling press conferences, and sham hearings only further vindicated the legitimacy of the election and even Trump's own Justice Department said there was no fraud substantial enough to sway the results.

Nevertheless, Trump kept pushing his election fantasies and calling on his supporters to "fight" for him—and fight they did.

On January 6, Trump held a "Save America" rally outside the White House before encouraging his followers to march to the Capitol and make their voices heard as Congress held a joint session to nationally acknowledge Joe Biden's victory.

In the hours after, Trump supporters infiltrated the Capitol, shattering windows, ransacking offices, beating police officers, and calling for the executions of any elected official they saw as disloyal to Trump. The violent attempted takeover mounted with the hopes of preventing the peaceful transfer of power was, by definition, an insurrection.

Even after that catastrophic day, Trump still falsely insists the election was stolen and that Biden is an illegitimate President.

He most recently made the claim in an interview with far-right podcast host John Solomon.

Listen below.

Trump said:

"The insurrection took place on November 3rd. That was the insurrection, when they rigged the election. The big insurrection, the real insurrection, really the crime of the century, that took place on November 3rd, not on January 6th."

The delusional comments were met with immediate backlash.

People emphasized the threat posed by the GOP's continued embrace of Trump as the party's figurehead.

Trump has not yet announced whether he plans to run again in 2024.