unfolded protein

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This Discovery Could Halt the Progression of Diseases Like Alzheimer's

New research shows trazadone and DBM, an antidepressant and a drug currently involved in cancer trials, may halt the progression or even help improve symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases. The drugs help by stopping a natural self-defense mechanism when faulty proteins enter a cell and produce their own proteins; the protective response--ceasing production of regular proteins, actually causes the symptomology of the neurodegenerative diseases.

This Discovery Could Halt the Progression of Diseases Like Alzheimer's

[DIGEST: IFLS, blog.alzheimers.org.uk, academic.oup.com, BBC (a, b), Science]

A study published in April 2017 shows two drugs—one already on the market and one being tested for cancer treatment—may be able to stop the progression of certain neurodegenerative diseases, and perhaps even improve disease-related symptoms. The drugs work by preventing a natural, but potentially destructive, self-defense on the cellular level. This protective response by the body, if not kept in check by the drugs, leads to the neurological symptoms, and eventually death.

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