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10-Year Old Boy Spots Dinosaur Error at Natural History Museum

A 10-year old boy named Charlie's observation prompted the Natural History Museum to correct one of its dinosaur exhibits.

10-Year Old Boy Spots Dinosaur Error at Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum in London, England has had to correct one of its dinosaur displays after Charlie Edwards, a 10-year-old dinosaur enthusiast, noticed a mistake. While on a visit with his parents, Charlie noticed that one of the display images was not of Oviraptor, the dinosaur the illustration claimed to represent. Charlie, who is a savant, realized the image was of Protoceratops and reported the error to museum staff. The two dinosaurs have numerous distinct differences.

Oviraptor, whose name means egg thief, lived in China and Mongolia during the late Cretaceous period, roughly 85 million - 75 million years ago. Feathered with short arms, this 2-meter long ancestor of modern-day birds had a toothless beak-like mouth which, like some birds today, enabled it to crush hard objects like nut casings and perhaps the shells of its prey.

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