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The Last of the UK Orcas May Be Sterile

A dwindling pod of nine orcas in the UK lost another whale in 2016, apparently to fishing line, but perhaps to now-banned pollutants. Those chemicals, PCBs, cause infertility, brain damage, cancer, and other physical damage when they accumulate in high concentrations of animals’ fat stores.

The Last of the UK Orcas May Be Sterile

[DIGEST: IFLS, Independent, EPA, The Guardian, BBC]

The UK’s only resident orca pod lost another member in 2016. Only eight orcas remain. Scientists first assumed the killer whale lost its life due to entanglement with fishing equipment. Upon further examination, scientists learned that a high level of pollutants may have led to this particular orca’s death, in addition to the pod’s increasing endangerment.

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