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Everyday Items You Didn't Know Were Invented By Women

Men have almost exclusively monopolized the role of the world’s decision-makers; here are some oft-overlooked women who have molded the course of history.

Everyday Items You Didn't Know Were Invented By Women
Hedy Lamarr. (Screenshot from Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story.)

Throughout modern history, women have had to navigate a world predominantly run by men. Whether at the podium or the pulpit, the rig or the rectory, the boardroom or the bedroom, men have almost exclusively monopolized the role of the world’s decision makers.

While males hold a slight lead in terms of population (102 men for every 100 women), they hold a tremendous lead in terms of corporate leadership. In fact, of the Fortune 1000 CEOs, only 54 of them are female. And in Fortune’s top 50, females currently fill three CEO positions.

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