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Michael Flynn Says He Suspects Dems Will Cancel 2022 Midterms—and Everyone Had the Same Response

Far-right General Mike Flynn went from the national security advisor in the first days of former President Donald Trump's administration to the major proponent to deranged far-right conspiracy theories that he is today.

Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to investigators about his communications with Russian diplomats (only to later be pardoned by Trump), repeatedly promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory, apparently pledging allegiance to it in a video posted to his social media. He also absurdly suggested that scientists were exploring a way to administer the lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine through salad dressing.

More recently, Flynn claimed that Democrats would inflict a controlled financial collapse in order to seize power by canceling the 2022 midterms.

Watch below.

Flynn said:

"All of this is leading to a major decision in 2022 for national elections, which I believe are at risk. ... I am not convinced that we are gonna have national elections in 2022 and the reason why I believe that is the left doesn't want to risk losing to the conservative movement that has clearly grown in the country. ... They don't want anybody paying attention to exactly this issue that we're talking about right now, which his the financial system in the country ... that's the thermometer they are raising and lowering in order to gain greater control of society here in the United States of America."

As a constant promoter of Trump's delusion that the 2020 election was stolen from him, it's actually Flynn who longs for national elections to be disregarded in order to keep his party in power. In fact, he's explicitly called for it multiple times.

Last December, Flynn approvingly retweeted a press release from a right-wing conspiracy group urging then-President Trump to declare martial law so the Military could oversee an election do-over. Flynn himself repeated these calls just days later.

As recently as this past summer, Flynn told a crowd of supporters that a Military coup "should happen here."

When it comes to seizing control through undemocratic means, Flynn is on the record as a supporter, and people soon called out his projection.

Given Flynn's influence and prior access to national security intel, people were disturbed by his unhinged rant.

The 2022 midterms are very much still on.