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These Doctors Are Refusing to Treat Families Who Won’t Vaccinate

As the anti-vaccination movement continues to grow, physicians are faced with a dilemma. Should they treat the unvaccinated patients and risk exposing their well patients? Or should they protect those who are unable to be vaccinated from the possibility of disease.

These Doctors Are Refusing to Treat Families Who Won’t Vaccinate

Co-sleeping, sleep training, breast versus bottle, free-range versus helicopter parenting – these are all hot-button parenting issues. But no parenting issue invokes more division and derision than vaccination.

The difference, pro-vaccinators argue, between the first examples and vaccination is that the decision not to vaccinate impacts more than just one’s immediate family. Unvaccinated children can present a health risk to those too young to be immunized or who are unable to receive vaccines because of allergies or other health issues.

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