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A College Student Has Discovered a Huge Range of Volcanoes Under Antarctica

An undergraduate student’s curiosity led to the discovery of what could be the largest volcanic range in the world underneath Antarctica. Scientists have conflicting theories about whether those volcanoes, known as the West Antarctic Rift System, are increasing or slowing the melting of the glacier above them.

A College Student Has Discovered a Huge Range of Volcanoes Under Antarctica
Credit: Mark Ralston (Getty Images).

[DIGEST: Guardian, PBS, Discover, Washington Post, Mashable]

An undergraduate student obsessed with volcanoes wanted to explore beyond the tips visible through the West Antarctic’s giant ice sheet to see how many more were hidden underneath. The resulting study may have uncovered the largest area of volcanoes on the planet. Scientists are watching closely to determine what effect nearly 100 volcanoes sitting under Antarctica could have on climate change.

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