elementary schools

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Portland’s Schools Have Been Poisoning Kids With Lead. But That’s Not The Worst Part.

Testing of two Portland Public School’s water supply showed dangerous levels of lead. As our nation’s infrastructure ages, the problem of water contamination is sure to grow.

Portland’s Schools Have Been Poisoning Kids With Lead. But That’s Not The Worst Part.

The school year is winding down for Portland Public Schools (PPS) in Oregon. Kids are wriggling in their seats, willing summer to arrive and the school doors to shut. But parents have other reasons to want the school year over. PPS informed parents late last week that their children also have been drinking lead-poisoned water while at school. For parents, that initial shock has now turned to anger: The district recently admitted that it knew the water had dangerously high lead levels, yet did nothing to prevent students and staff from continuing to drink it while it scrambled to fix the problem.

Poisoned Water in the Schools

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has led to increased concern over water quality nationally. In response to that crisis, concerned parents from two Portland schools asked the school district for data about the water quality in their kids’ schools.

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