dayton shooting

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Donald Trump Somehow Made His Visits to El Paso and Dayton All About Him in This Over the Top Campaign Style Video, Because of Course He Did

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump visited the cities of Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas. The two cities saw devastating mass shooting attacks over the weekend while President Trump was out of Washington DC at his New Jersey golf resort.

The press corps that travels with the President on Air Force One was told—first in Dayton then again in El Paso—there was no reason for them to leave the plane as the visits were to be completely about the victims and not a photo op for the POTUS and FLOTUS. But shortly after each visit, professional photos and video taken, edited and produced with accompanying music were posted to Twitter by Trump, the White House Twitter account and members of the Trump administration, one of whom described the visit to victims of gun violence as the President being treated "like a rock star."

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