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Squashing Our History: Can We Bring Back Species From Ancient Times?

Growing heirloom and even ancient seeds isn’t just a foodie pastime; someday, these ancient foods could save our supper.

Squashing Our History: Can We Bring Back Species From Ancient Times?

[DIGEST: ArtNet News, Reuters, The Guardian]

Archaeologists discovered a cache of 800 year-old seeds on a dig near the Menominee reservation in Wisconsin, then successfully cultivated them to produce an oblong orange squash. The researchers named it “Gete-Okosomin”--or "really cool old squash" in Anishanaabe. The squash not only made the rounds on the Internet, it showed up at some local farmers markets. It’s real and reportedly quite tasty. (The now-famous squash is actually a hybrid of two different squash stories, according to the Mennonite World Review.)

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