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Abandoned in the Isles: The Growing Refugee Crisis in Greece

Syrian refugees have been banned by Executive Order from entering the United States, and the European Union member states remain divided over who will shoulder the burden of the refugees amassing along their borders. Every month, hundreds of thousands of refugees flee the violence and atrocities in their Middle East homelands. But the images of crowded, small boats and drowned children have not motivated Brussels-based bureaucrats to do more to help their plight. Most European governments seem reluctant to cooperate effectively with one another, let alone establish plans on how to absorb these people into their territories.

In the EU, due largely to proximity and a flurry of border closures in the Balkans, Greece receives the highest number of refugees, originating primarily from the Syrian war zone. But those lucky enough to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey and reach the shores of Lesbos and other Greek islands face circumstances far different from what they had imagined. Most are abandoned in makeshift camps, waiting for days or even months for their documents to be processed so that they can seek lawful asylum in Europe.

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