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What Is Alt-Tech? GoyFundMe Is 'Alt-Crowdfunding' for American Nazism

What Is Alt-Tech? GoyFundMe Is 'Alt-Crowdfunding' for American Nazism

A new crowdfunding site called "Goyfundme" is a self-proclaimed "alt-crowdfunding" site that is working with the "Alt-Tech community" to fund Nazism. The site is an anti-Semitic play on the site crowdfunding platform GoFundMe, which helps "people to raise money for events ranging from life events such as celebrations and graduations." A "goy" is a Hebrew and Yiddish term for a non-Jewish person and is synonymous with "gentile."

After it was noticed, the site went down but promised "to be back." It is unclear what the site was originally fundraising for, but the site's mission statement is still online. They write:

Goyfundme’s vision is to be a forerunner in the fight against internet censorship. We are working closely with the Alt-Tech community and other websites to spearhead a new initiative toward a greater, freer internet devoid of censorship and the suppression of the free expression of ideas.

There are many ideas out there that are unpopular and some may seem offensive. However, the beauty of the first amendment is that anyone of any color, creed, background, political, or socio-economic status is free under the 1st amendment to say what they want. This extends to freedom of expression and the right to assembly. Our hope is that while not everyone will always agree on everything, we can help to pave the way toward a world where our inherent and learned differences are acknowledged and respected without censorship, the suppression of ideas by a single side, nor the threat of violence.

According to, alt-tech is a network of copycat sites that serves as a safe space for white nationalists. A Medium post by a pro-"alt-tech" writer claims that alt-tech is a Free Speech Tech Alliance that seeks "engineers and technology industry workers from around the world who recognize the problems in tech, media, and our culture."

By its funding source's name, Goyfundme, alt-tech points the finger squarely at people of Jewish descent.

The group, which goes by "Gab," claims to be want to bring the internet to the "next level." In another Medium post, they write:

Gab wants to lead the creation of the next level of the internet. If Web 2.0 was about centralized, social, and mobile networks: Web 3.0 will be a decentralized, blockchain-based, radically transparent, people-powered internet infrastructure.

According to Fast Forward, Goyfundme was started to finance Tony and Maria Hovater, members of the Traditionalist Worker Party, who were fired after a New York Times story profiled their lives in Ohio. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "The Traditionalist Worker Party is a white nationalist group that advocates for racially pure nations and communities and blames Jews for many of the world’s problems. Even as it claims to oppose racism, saying every race deserves its own lands and culture, the group is intimately allied with neo-Nazi and other hardline racist organizations that espouse unvarnished white supremacist views."

According to GoDaddy, Goyfundme site was registered in Canada.